Resource toolkit
This support plan template uses PCAP.
Pastoral care
Tool / Template
3 Mar 2023
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Community consultation for health education
Supports schools to consult with their community about the health education teaching.
Creating a student wellbeing framework
Use this facilitation guide and example to help create a student wellbeing framework.
Introductory pamphlet
An introductory pamphlet that outlines the basics of Tūturu.
Play Your Best Card - wellbeing card game
Play Your Best Card is a wellbeing card for New Zealand teenagers
Protective and risk factor worksheet
Use this checklist to identify how you can support a young person.
School-wide reflection tool
Reflect on current practices at your school and identify opportunities to develop.
Support plan template using 7Cs
This support plan template uses the 7Cs.
Support plan template using Te Whare Tapa Whā
This support plan template uses Te Whare Tapa Whā.
Tūturu - Your tailored plan
Detail what you will do and your timeframes.
Wellbeing survey questions
Suggested survey/focus group questions to ask your students.