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Health Provider FAQs
Your first point of call for support and guidance is to contact your local Tūturu provider. If there is no Tūturu provider in your area, contact the national Tūturu team.
The best person to contact regarding Tūturu is a member of the school’s senior leadership team, preferably the school principal.
This helps ensure the process is smooth, and that the school is on board. However, if this is not possible, it can be helpful to start with whomever your contact happens to be. From there, organise a meeting that members of a school's senior leadership team can attend.
You do not need to be an alcohol and drug expert. There is so much to know, and the field is constantly evolving.
Building relationships takes time. Schools are busy places, and it can be challenging to find time to talk with senior leadership. If you already have connections within a local school, you may ask them to connect you with the school’s senior leaders.
If you don't have existing relationships with local schools, it can be helpful to use multi-agency hui as a way in the door. Another method is to run training sessions for schools where you address issues that are important for them (e.g., alcohol and drugs, mental health, vaping and so on).
The best way is to take them through the website.
Familiarise yourself with the content so you know the key things to point out.
You can also use “A Guide to Getting Started” (PDF) as a framework to talk schools through the approach and then present it to staff that are interested in becoming a part of the “Tūturu Team”.
School FAQs
Students live in a world where alcohol and other drugs exist and will have to make decisions about them at some point in their lives. Tūturu supports your school to align what students experience in the school environment that helps them to develop, the critical thinking skills they learn, how they are supported at school when issues arise, how professional services provide additional support, and how the wider community of school, whānau, and services help them to lead healthy and successful lives.
Exploring Tūturu resources can be an easier place to start. These resources are ready to use however we can help you tailor any of these resources for your context.
Tūturu providers are highly skilled and will work with you to accommodate your school’s needs.
Although there are organisations out there that deliver these types of programmes, research shows that these approaches don’t reduce harm from drugs. Only sharing extreme messages of drugs can alienate the students that are using drugs and send the message that they only need to worry about their drug and alcohol consumption when it causes them extreme harm. We need to teach all students how to live in a world where alcohol and drugs exist, so they are empowered to make healthy choices.
Evidence shows us that being taught about these issues in a safe environment with a teacher that students have a relationship with, means what they learn is more likely to be relevant, appropriate and have a greater positive impact on them.
Start where it makes sense to you and your school community. We can tailor how we help you to fit what you need.
The common ways for people to work with us are:
- Selecting the resources you need. We can help you use and tailor any of these resources for your context.
- Attending Tūturu learning sessions. We host regular learning sessions, using our wide network of health and education experts.
- Partnering with us for a more comprehensive plan. We help you create a tailored plan and work with you to implement it. You can also access an activity fund to help implement actions, and have access to our wide networks of health and education experts as we further develop Tūturu.
All schools have issues with alcohol and drugs, irrespective of their location or demographics. Tūturu places schools at the leading edge of innovating in the wellbeing space to improve outcomes for students and their whānau.
Check out how some schools have found engaging with Tūturu in Ōtepoti Dunedin
All of our curriculum resources are designed to be adapted to fit your school's curriculum plans.
General FAQs
Tūturu gives schools a framework and resources to look at how they are supporting the wellbeing of their students. It helps them to look at what they are doing well and what they can improve to better achieve this goal. Tūturu also allows schools to connect with local health providers and upskill their staff to build on the skills they already have.
There’s no set timeline - schools can be involved for as long as they need to be. Research shows that cultural changes within organisations can take around seven years. Exploring Tūturu resources can be a good place to start whilst you grow your understanding of Tūturu. Some schools have been involved with Tūturu since the beginning. They continue to grow and develop over time, choosing which areas to focus on as their needs and resourcing have changed.
There are no set criteria. Any school regardless of location can use Tūturu resources or partner with us.
Yes, you can find examples from our pilot schools here: Tūturu in Action.
A good place to start is What is Tūturu? or A guide to getting started (PDF).